Die folgende Anfrage wurde von Ihrer Webseite entgegengenommen Datum : 02.09.14 19:03:38 Anfrage-ID : contact-00013 Seite : Kontakt Sprache : de TCP/IP : URL : Vorname, Name : Sam LELO NSAKALA E-Mail Adresse : apicom.ong@gmail.com (mailto:apicom.ong@gmail.com) Ihre Nachricht : Ladies and Gentlemen, After discovering your coordinates and having taken knowledge of the activities undertaken by your organization, it falls within our intentions seek more detailed information on your political act to benefit from your services or your support and possibly establish a relationship partnership between our two organizations. Of this, APICOM is an organization Non-Governmental Development (NGO) that but institutional promote activities on the community development of the Congolese population in the middle rural and sub-urban and improving their living conditions. As you respond positively, please accept, Ladies and gentlemen, the assurance of our consideration distinguished. For the APICOM Sam LELO NSAKALA Secretary General --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASSOCIATION POUR LA PROMOTION DES INITIATIVES COMMUNAUTAIRES \"APICOM asbl\" B.P: 16 MBANZA NGUNGU / BAS CONGO REPUBLIQUE DEMOCRATIQUE DU CONGO E-mail : aapicom@yahoo.fr Tél : 00243 812100316 : 00243 895855039 Diese Nachricht wurde maschinell erzeugt - bitte nicht antworten vim:encoding=utf-8