Die folgende Anfrage wurde von Ihrer Webseite entgegengenommen Datum : 28.12.17 22:50:55 Anfrage-ID : contact-00048 Seite : Kontakt Sprache : de TCP/IP : URL : sales.yoorshop.net Vorname, Name : Austin E-Mail Adresse : sales@yoorhosting.com (mailto:sales@yoorhosting.com) Ihre Nachricht : Dear website Owner, Due to high competition these days, it is crucial that your website loads as fast as possible for your online success : more sales and better ranking in search engine results.... People mistakenly think that the IP localization of the server counts enormously, well it is pretty false because this criterion is only ranked 142/200... Favoring your position in the research results of a certain country plays rather on these 3 important criteria : - extension of your domain by targeted country plays a major role, position is 10/200 - loading speed of your website, position is 23/200 (a server located at less than 5000 km is enough for a good speed) - presence of SSL certificate, position is 71/200 You can read the full the proposal via your web browser through this link : https://www.yoorshop.fr/mailing/webversionuk.html Thank you for your attention, Yours faithfully, Daniel - Customer service YOORshop YOORshop SAS - DUNS 267747610 NB : this message is a one time commercial proposal, this a NOT a subscription to any mailing list, you will not be contacted again Diese Nachricht wurde maschinell erzeugt - bitte nicht antworten vim:encoding=utf-8